Support Worker and Coordinator of Creative Therapies
MBehHSc (UNSW), MAppSci (UNSW), BA (LU), Working with Bereaved Adults (BCC), Working with Bereaved Children (BCC), Support Worker Certificate – Bereaved Children (NCCG).
Ada has been a volunteer support worker with the NCCG since 2007, having completed the “Working with Bereaved Children” and “Bereavement Counselling” workshops under the tuition of Mal and Di McKissock. Prior to joining the NCCG, Ada earned two Masters Degrees from the University of Sydney – A Master in Behavioural Health Science and a Master of Applied Science. She has participated as a member of the Sydney Children’s Hospital health care team, conducting research on caregivers of chronically ill adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis, and has worked with the Bone Mineral Analysis Unit at the Royal Hospital for Women. Ada also has a Bachelor of Arts from La Trobe University.
Born in Italy, Ada is fluent in Italian and holds a certificate from the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).
As a mother of two, Ada has been a very active volunteer member of her daughter’s school, coordinating and supervising creative projects in the classroom and organising fund raising activites.
Ada has a passion for the creative arts and spends her spare time quilting, sewing, drawing and cooking and is thrilled to be able to further pursue these passions at the NCCG in her role as Co-ordinator of Creative Therapies.